
Blogger Spotlight: Sara from La Mode qui Vole

Meet Sara, a talented young blogger / student / photographer / fashionable lady.  Her blog La Mode qui Vole is a visual delight of photography, fashion and travel which is completely unterstated, unique and intriguing. It features her style and musings in the cities of New York and Singapore. I caught up with Sara to ask her a few quick questions about La Mode qui Vole.

What is La Mode qui Vole?
La mode qui Vole is French for "the fashion which flies" or "the fashion that flies" - however way you want to translate it!

What's the story behind the name?
I wish I had a better rationale for why I decided to make my blog name in French other than I liked the way it sounds. I just wanted a blog title that sounded kind of random and surreal.

How would you describe your style?
I'm not sure since it changes all the time. In general, I'm not really attracted to girly or preppy things - but that's not to say I won't be in the future!

What inspires you?
Anything can potentially inspire me whether it be a piece of artwork, a book, or someone I see on the street. In terms of fashion I get inspired more by what people wear on a day-to-day basis than what I see on the runway.

What would your ideal job be?
Definitely something in the creative industries!

Has bloggling influenced your style?
I haven't been blogging long enough to notice any changes in my style that are directly correlated to my blog. In terms of photography, I take only some of the photos on my blog. The ones of me are taken by my good friend Kathryn when I'm in New York, and by my boyfriend when I'm in Singapore. I really appreciate blogs that are aesthetically pleasing in terms of their layout and photography so I try and make sure I do the same with my blog.

What are your favourite things about New York and Singapore?
Singapore will always feel like home to me since I've lived there for two thirds of my life, so I really love the aspect of familiarity Singapore has for me. Despite my constant complaining about the heat I love that it has perfect beach weather all year round. Plus everything is so efficient and clean! New York, on the other hand, has a lot more character. My favourite thing about New York is that its never boring. Its such an amazing, exciting city - I love that you can wander outside and stumble upon something new every time. 

Which would you choose, Singapore or New York?
Although I love Singapore to bits, I'd have to choose New York.

What's next for you/your blog?
I'm not sure! But I think that's the best thing about blogging: its unpredictable.

What are your top five favourite things right now?
Probably top on my list in my new camera. I decided to splurge and get myself a DSLR - its second hand but it works perfectly! I guess the other four things on my favourites list are just various things I've bought or eaten recently.

Check out Sara's blog La Mode qui Vole x


  1. Jolies photos! Super post! Biz:)

    Angela Donava

  2. These are such great photos and a great interview. Thanks for sharing!

