
Blogger Spotlight: Nicole from Untitled Daydream

Untitled Daydream is one of my favourite photography blogs and an awesome source of photographic inspiration. It features the work of student/photographer Nicole who uses light and shade to capture abstract images of nature. I recently interviewed Nicole to find out a bit more about her work and her blog. It was also a pretty good excuse to feature her beautiful pictures on avocado sundays! 

Images by Nicole - Untitled Daydream

What’s the story behind the name “untitled daydream”?
There are several reasons why I gave my blog the name "Untitled Daydream". First of all, I am horrible at thinking of titles, that's why I leave the majority of my work "untitled", I prefer to let the work to speak for itself. The "daydream" part came from my favorite album, Sonic Youth's "Daydream Nation" which inspired a lot of my early work.

What keeps you busy? 
When I'm not blogging I enjoy playing video games, reading books, cooking, playing the piano and recently I've taken up graphic design. I'm also a senior in high school so I also spend time doing unnecessary things like studying and homework. In addition, I'm a member of my school's yearbook staff so I spend a lot of time taking photos at school events. I joined mostly so that I could further my skills with taking natural, unposed photos of people. Later this year, once I finally feel ready, I'd like to start taking photos of people for my own personal work. Right now it would feel too forced, I'm waiting for the right moment.

What do you like to photograph?
I've always been drawn to nature. That is what I mainly focused on when I first started out and as I progressed I began to introduce more abstract elements into my photos. So now I consider my work to be a fusion of nature and abstract photography.

What inspires you?
I'm not inspired by anything particular thing at the moment but overall I usually draw inspiration from my surroundings, things that I encounter in an average day. Whether it's the lighting around a certain time of day or an interestingly shaped weed in my backyard, I always tend to focus on little details that people will commonly overlook.

How has blogging influenced your work?
Blogging has allowed me to reflect back on my past work by looking at my older entries which gives me insight on the thoughts that I had on older photos that I have taken. This really helps me out when I'm trying to think of new ideas. It has also introduced me to some very interesting people!

What are your top five favourite things right now?
Hazelnut cappuccino, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, clutch purses, disposable cameras and the satisfaction of taking a good photo.

Check out Nicole's blog Untitled Daydream x


  1. re: hi! thank you for your comment, you are very kind. yes and no, mostly i do not post my own photographs on my blog but sometimes i do. but i always post them on my flickr though.

    nice blog you have!


  2. What gorgeous pictures and a great interview! I kind of used to have a thing for the Legend of Zelda as well .... Sophia xx (moulinfrock.blogspot.com)

  3. wow what a great blog, she takes beautiful photos!

    your blog is lovely, now following :)

  4. Wow shes only in high school!!! She has mad skills and diction!

  5. We really love your photographs! Such fascinating shots! We love your blog Untitled Daydream! Cheers to a lot of wonderful photographs! :) We love your style very much!

    MUCH love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
    SHOP: www.saboskirt.com
    BLOG: www.saboskirt.blogspot.com

  6. i love how you feature people like her-- great concept and she's great.


  7. Love these pics, doll! Great post xoxo


  8. these are ah-mazing. really. great feature!

  9. Thanks for the introduction! Will definitely be checking out her blog.


  10. Amazing, I will certainly give this blog a look !
