
Ruby AW12

Some of my favourite looks from the new RUBYboutique AW12 Capsule collection released in stores & online yeseterday. I love how their clothes are awesome looking but so wearable too. I think I'm one of many with Ruby fever today. But I also have a touch of Q Theatre fever which helped me win a little contest of theirs by explaining Q in three words "creative theatrical explosion" :D

What I learnt today:
  •  While it is easy to fob off stalkerish foreign men in the evening, it is much more difficult to do at 10am
  • Chocolate pancakes from No.1 pancake (aka Korean pancake) are good any time of the day
  • Auckland's humidity is back
  • The best ideas are those shared and gossiped about
2 day countdown till mid semester break! x


  1. i don't like floral but i strangley want the 2nd outfit..

  2. aww, thanks a lot! love the blog and the outfits! following :) xx

  3. love the collection!

  4. It's easier to fob off gross men in the evening because you can escape under the cloak of darkness..

  5. I love the makeup and hair! These dresses are all so gorgeous! =)

